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Evening Skincare Routine

Every night I go through my evening routine to wind down and get ready for bed. Usually it take me about an hour as I go through everything slowly which relaxes me so when I hit the pillow I instantly fall asleep. Throughout the entire night I always have YouTube on in the background. The videos I watch during the evening routine are usually beauty because that's what I find relaxes me the most. I hope you enjoy having a look into my evening routine.



If you have ever read something you wrote when you were younger and it put a smile on you face I would recommend writing a daily diary. In the past year i have took more time to document things in a diary to look back on when i am older. Whether it is what i did at school or a funny moment i always write it down. Invest in a cute diary or notebook to motivate you to write your best moments down. Honestly you can spend three dollars on a cute note book so you can have something to look back on when you are older. Writing in my diary starts off my evening routine.

Next comes my skincare routine. To take the day off i use makeup remover wipes, then I use the Ren Rosa Centifolia cleansing gel which makes my face feel fresh and cleansed. Once I have washed off the cleanser and dried my face I use a Clarins toning lotion. This toner reduces breakouts and adds more colour to my face. The moisturiser I use at nighttime is the Origins Drink Up Intensive overnight mask which you put on before you go to bed and it quenches your skin to make it fully hydrated. This is my absolutely favourite moisturiser especially after a long day in the sun and as an added bonus it smells amazing. Next I always make the time to put on body lotion because I hate having dry skin. Almost finished with my evening routine I brush my hair.

The ultimate thing that i do to wind down is make my room all cosy ready to fall asleep. I love to light a candle, make my bed all cosy with fluffy blankets and pillow and make sure that my room is nice and tidy so when i wake up i feel positive. That completes my evening routine I hope you enjoyed.


Lucy xx

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