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Girls Night In

Every now and then I get together with my best friend and spend the night pampering ourselves and watching girly films. Even though I love to get glammed up and go out, I also love chilling at home with friends pampering. We talk for hours and end up staying up all night even though it is probably not good because we always sleep the next day.

Girl’s Night In Essentials.

Lush Baths.

I always run a shallow bath to wash our feet in. Pop in a lush bath bomb in and watch it fizz away turning your bath into a firework display, something about watching bath bombs fizz away is so exciting and see all of the different colours mix together to turn the bath a vibrant colour. Then we scrub our feet, sometimes we make our own scrub before which makes a fun things to do.

Face masks.

Putting on face mask making us all look like aliens is an essential. We all look scary together, while they are doing wonders to our skin. I do admit the peel off masks are the funniest because peeling it off of each other’s faces is always a good laugh.

Top 3 face masks. - Sukin purifying facial masque - Lush face masks - Body shop Face masks

Chickflicks A pamper night is not complete without watching chick flicks. Usually we like to watch romantic comedies so we can have a laugh. Just a few of my favourites are The Duff, Crazy Stupid Love, What to Expect When You’re Not Expecting, Cinderella Story, She’s The Man, Angus, Thongs and Perfect Snogging, Wild Child, Mean Girls, High School Musical, Just My Luck.

Baking Getting messy in the kitchen with my besties makes for an amazing activity. The best thing about baking is that you can eat whatever you make afterwards. Packet mix brownies are my favourite because they are so easy and so delicious. We always end up having no batter left because we have eaten it all or had a food fight.

Matching Pjs. Having matching pjs with your best friends. Every time you wear them when they aren’t around you think of them. Obviously you need to snapchat everyone in our matching pjs, Makes amazing selfies.

Magazines. Reading your favourite magazines to keep up with the latest celebrity gossip is a must. Finding out the new fashion trends and doing the quizzes with your friends. One of my favourite magazines is Girlfriend.

Hair braiding Ever since I was little when I was at sleep overs there would be that one friend who would braid everyone’s hair. It’s the same now except most people can braid each other’s hair. With glowing skin from the face masks and cute braided hair our pamper evening is complete.

Lucy xx

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